Friday, January 4, 2008

Puerto Aisen y Lago Palos

Sergio, Cata and I went on an overnight camping trip. we decided on a place aboput 70 km away for our first venture as a team. we didnt really get going til about noon, but I was told "if you're in a hurry in Patagonia, you're probably missing out on something." Anyway, we hitched a ride to Puerto Aisen and started walking to lake that was only supposed to be 1km away, but turned out to be more like 25. That was ok because after a series of rides we got to within 10 minutes of Lago Palos. But unfortunately we could go no further because there was some dynamiting going on up ahead and we would have to wiat an hour. It turned out to be 2 hours but we got some rest in the meantime. We we got through, we go to see the last explosion. They were clearing a new road because an earthquake a few years ago ruined that old road.

We found a lakeside piece of flat ground next to some cows and made our campsite. When we ran out of water, Cata just went up the hill to a house, introduced us as the people camping on their land, and asked for some water. We didn't really do anything but make fire, eat, drink and sleep and make our way back home. It took us a few hours, some standing around on the side of a highway and picking calafate berries while we tried to get a ride. But overall i think we had pretty good luck in getting rides. I think the people in this area are very open to picking people up and it is safe, unless you consider riding in the back of a pickup dangerous.

Here's a weird side note: I was just informed that Blanca, a friend of the family, gave the name Dan to the baby chicken she had over here the other night. I don't know whether or not to be honored by the gesture.


written by: Louann Terveer said...

Well, is it a laying chicken or an eating chicken?...

Nice tent!

The calafate berries are supposed to look a little like blue berries, right? do they taste like them too or are they sour?

shallwedave said...

i am considering renaming the stray cat in our neighborhood from scratchy-san to Dan...


what is breakfast lately?
tell us the mundane!

Dan and Lou said...

calafate berries were a little bitter and seedy.

i think i'll change my name to scratchy-san if your cat isn´t going to use it.

breakfasts have been yogurt with cereal, bread and butter, tea or coffee.
