(Frutillar, Lakes Region, Chile) Ok this is a part of the world in which pronunciation of place names become difficult if you aren't used to words in Mapuche. Lago Llanquihue (yankeƩ way) is a summer tourist destination for people escaping from the heat of the north. The lake is super clear here in Frutillar and good for swimming. I've had a couple of good days of weather so I've gotten some reading done on the beach and swam a little. I also got out and checked out Puerto Varas and the other side of the lake, closer to the towering Osorno Volcano, where I, and other tourists, were attacked by
tabanos, a biting fly the size of a fun-size snickers bar. I went to a cascade near Petrohue that was overrun by busloads of European and Americans, as well as Chilean families. It was one of those place where you have to wait your turn to take "the picture". After visiting patagonia and Iguazu, I think its going tobe hard for a waterfall to impress me forawhile, especially if the is a crowd. Today I'm just taking it easy but the next town over has a bierfest starting today so tonight I'll probably be eating bratwurst and saying a few prosits.

I tried this picture 9 times with the timer before I got it right with my finger pointing at the volcano. There were people watching me.
Nobody was stopping for me. I think they were mostly from Santiago and not accostomed to picking up hitchhikers, as they are in Patagonia and Chiloe. In this picture I am pioneering a new autostop strategy (that didn't work). Finally a bus passed and I was able to get back.
I would have stopped for you!
wena won la estay pasando bien ...
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