Thursday, March 20, 2008

A nice day for a mate

You can take a gringo out of Argentina, but can you ever really take Argentina out of a gringo?


Anonymous said...

le day color..jajajajaja

Anonymous said...

oye weon recien salgo del trabajo y me tome unos fernet con mis compaƱero en el parque y conducimos unos autos a todo full....weon yo soy re curao no tengo remedio....jajajajajaj

Anonymous said...

Dan, welcome to my world of every afternoon mate time, or any time.
I would be curious to know about your personal experience after being away from home for a year or so, that cultural thing you mentioned ....good luck and great pictures. Its Raul from Mendoza living in Toronto....remember?
Chau aventurero !!!!

Anonymous said...

oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee cambia la foto