Here are some pictures taken by either Sergio or me, that I think are cool, from the south of Chile.

I'm not sure why, but there is a lighthouse near the center of Coyhaique, Chile, 50 km from the coast.

The Hospital in Coyhaique.

The cemetery in Coyhaique. People always thought we were weird for touring cemeteries, but they are peaceful, usually shady and make for some nice pics.

Cascada de la Virgen, between Coyhaique and Puerto Aisen.

We ran into these fellas walking back from an overnight camping trip near Puerto Aisen.

This one is just across the border, in Argentina. When the truck broke down with 10 passengers, we spent the night in Rio Mayo, national capital of sheep-shearing. Too bad we broke down just a week before their festival.

Isla Achao, near Chiloe Island.

Palafitos, or stilts holding up houses in Castro, Chiloe. I got my shoes muddy for this shot.
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