I was just told that all advertising for the elections has to stop at

Addendum: After I wrote that and put it on the blog, I decided that I should go home, get the camera and take a picture of the babes to put on the blog. But as I was walking down the street, who did I see? None other than the candidate himself, the guy whose mug I’ve seen a thousand times in the past month. This was too good an opportunity. I was walking toward him and asked if I could take a picture. “Of course.” “ Can one of you political staffers take a picture of us together.” (this is one bold gringo) “Of course.” So we posed for the picture, but the camera had turned off, so I went and turned it back on, then I still didn’t work. Oops the memory card door was open, so I went back and fixed that, then finally we got our snap shot. So, on his last night of campaigning, 4 hours before legally he must quit doing stuff, he wasted nearly a minute with a gringo who can’t vote anyway.

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