Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Dan: This was the first time I´ve ever celebrated my birthday on a school day. I usually have the day off, it being before the school year begins. But yesterday I had four classes to teach. But it was still a nice birthday, all in all, especially since I was able to drag it our over 3 days. Maybe I´m just using a birthday as an excuse to justify spending money on fun things. Snowboarding on saturday was blast. On Sunday we went to a restaurant i´ve been fantasizing about for the last 5 months. At Las Tinajas they have, among other things, all-you-can-eat grilled meat. It lived up to all my dreams.

Last night we ended up having a party at our place. We met some friends at their art show, and expecting that some would come home with us afterwards to celebrate, we picked up some drinks and ice cream cake. Later that night there were 20 or 25 people in our little apartment, some making various runs to buy more beer and pizza. I think we had to wash all our dishes twice to keep up with demand. It´s amazing how many people appear out of the woodwork on a Monday night when there is a party. We got some complaints from the neighbors after midnight. So we moved to a bar nearby and sat outside until about 3. Really not too bad for a school night.


Unknown said...

happy belated b-day! way to celebrate, washing dishes and all!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Dan! Sounds like it was great fun! Wish we could have been there. Thanks for keeping up the great blog.
Sharon Walbran