Monday, February 19, 2007

Un nuevo pais (a new country)

Lou: We had a beautiful (but long) bus ride over the Andes. We could see Mount Aconcagua (highest mountain in S. America) in the distance. The customs stop was a lot of waiting around; we heard that colectivos (van type taxis) get through a little more quickly. Perhaps we'll try that next time.

So, here we are in Mendoza! More of the same getting to know the place activities: where is the grocery store, where can we stay affordably, etc. There is a big wine festival next week where they will crown a new festival queen. Perhaps we will do some tourist stuff next week during the festival. Mendoza feels comfortable--& a little touristy. Not so much gringo tourists as others from different parts of South America.

The Spanish spoken here seems to be a little more understandable than what we encountered in Chile--to our relief. We have both gained a little confidence in our language skills (Dan more so than me--of course) I could tell Dan was getting used to the Chilean dialect & understanding more, though he didn't realize it.

We stayed the first night in a hostel and went out to eat with a gringo who was living in Chile, and his roommate from Brazil, & other Brazilians. It was nice to get different perspectives on things from other people. We also realized that maybe we're getting a little old to stay in a hostel-- by the reaction we got from 26 year old that thought he was feeling old in the hostel. Since we have to change our names a little to make them more pronounce-able, maybe we can change our ages while we are here, too! Perhaps we can be 26 while in South America.

The vacation's over! Dan went out today to spread resumes, & I spent the morning doing laundry by hand in a big wash sink.

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