Wednesday, August 8, 2007

trying times

We are having an annoying week. Our gas cannister ran out. We rely upon this for our space heater. No big deal, right? Just go get another right? Well a 10kg can of gas is pretty heavy, but there are companies that bring it to your home. How convenient, right? Well, every time we´ve ordered one, we´ve had to wait until the next evening, which means at least a day of cold. We can´t order before we run out, because we must also return the empty can. This week the delivery people came, and even though we left instructions to get the empty can and the payment form the caretakers while we were out, they left anyway. The next day we ordered again, but they called later to tell us their supplies for the day had run out. I called another company which promised morning delivery, but then they also ran out, but promised an evening drop. Right now, I hope that Louann is at home, enjoying the recently delivered source of heat. After four days of cold, we need it.

Adding to our lack of comfort, is the recent drop in water temperature in our house. We thought it was related to the drop in air temp outside, but turns out to be something more. So for the past week or so we´ve been taking cold, and brief showers. In the summer this wouldn´t be so terrible. But now it is maybe in the 40s and i´'ll be colder tonight. The landlord´s bro came the other night to check it out on the weekend, and today he is slated to come and try repairing it.

Also adding to our annoyance, and not helping with our communication with various heat-oriented services, was the recent theft of Lulu´s celular phone. She was sitting at a computer at a Cyber place and someone lifted it out of her jacket pocket. Now we are waiting to get a chip in the mail (to keep her old number) so we can shop for a new phone, get it activated, and get our lives back on track.

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