Monday, May 7, 2007

Your requests

We’ve been writing whatever we’ve felt like writing for almost 3 months now. It occurs to us that maybe there are things you want to know about that we’ve neglected to cover. So, we’d like to announce an opportunity for our readership, a chance to guide the course of this blog! We want to know what you want us to write about.

For example: - please write about the ethnic makeup of Mendoza

- describe for us what you normally eat for breakfast

- show us a picture of your bathroom

- how come I haven’t gotten any postcards?

Please use the comments area below to tell us what to blog about. We changed the registration requirement for now, so don't be shy. Click on 'comments' and type your request.


Anne said...

I choose, "What do you normally eat for breakfast?" Oatmeal? Granola? Muesli? Empenadas?

Anonymous said...

Dan & Lou,

Hello from Hopkins! Dan and I are here on our break and thought we'd check out your blog. Whatever you write we find entertainging! :)

I thought I'd share with Lou that I have started LOTS of heirloom tomato plants in my basement. I started them late and to my delight discovered that today their "second set of leaves" have appeared. I know you understand the importance of a good tomato, so you will appreciate my attempts to grow my own from seed.

Things are going well here. We just ended the ESL year and spent a weekend madly filling out "Exit Forms" for each student. And now the joy of filling out the new forms for the new year.

Hope all is well!

-Alice H

Mom Bruski said...

Seeing as how you left here with basically just the shirts on your backs, you needed to buy more clothing. So, inquiring minds want to know where Argentinian clothing comes from. Imported from Asian countries like so much of ours? other South American countries? or does Argentina have a big clothing industry of its own? Or maybe Argentina doesn't require a label that tells you any of that??

Anonymous said...

Ok would like to know how far school is from your apartment.? How many friends have you met, Argentinian . American. what ever?
How is the weather now? do you need anything or are you getting along in survival mode?
How much are you getting paid and how many students? Is this a school or what ar you working independently?
What is so different there that you like?

(from Shoop)

Jay said...

Hi from Wagners..
It's been fun following your blog.
Miss you here LouAnn.
I have a food question (of course).
Do you see alot foods seasoned with "Chimichuri". I understand that is a commonly used spice from Argentia...Is that right? If you havent tried it and can get it, I would highly recommend it. It's a spicy/salty/herby season. I really yhink you would like it LouAnn. Cheers to you guys. I am so envious. I want to move to Brasil!

Anonymous said...


convenience stores?

fast food chains?

brands of pringles?

how is Aregentinian hip-hop?

Anonymous said...

How Retarded is Argentina?

I would like to know the retardation rate down there in terms of music. and I mean retardation like, umm, like being behind on things, or particularly slow in the growth or change department. like the true meaning of of the word retardation before some retard screwed it up.

is grunge just on its way in? vigils for kurt still too fresh to discuss? how bout the metal doo and the soul-sucking crawl of the acid wash-- hot amongst way more people than it ought be? the M and A of metallica logos on school notebooks still not perfected? how about pop? did everybody get the memo about michael jackson being a ghost of his former ghost of himself?

in all seriousness, have they discovered that shakira is a bat-toothed hell who sides with n. korea on the talk shows? I think they may be too retarded to have gotten that quite yet. be careful with that one. she's like the queen there, I hear.

so totally not even close to retarded because I live in san francisco,


Anonymous said...

um, that should read "bat-toothed hell banshee" in the last part there. BANSHEE. thanks.


Anonymous said...

What are their lead stories on the news? Has it been Diego Maradona 24/7?

You hinted at this in the past, but what are "the" shows to watch? What is daytime TV like? Do they have an Oprah Winfrey equivalent?

Are you dreaming in spanish yet?

Paul and Andrea

Unknown said...

lou--missing gardening? was thinking of you as i added some perennials to my front garden...