I've been lazy about getting out & buying fruits now that I don't have classes in the mornings. Now I'm paying the price with a cold. Dan went right out & bought some oranges from across the street. Now we're on the right health track, again.
I need to remember my goal of eating as many avocados as I can and as many smoothies as possible. Well, the later will have to wait until I get a job & enough guita (money) to buy a blender. Simple goals! For now, more oranges, nectarines & bananas.
Even things that should be simple have a learning curve for us here. Tonight we had to ask the neighbor how to light the oven! I suppose we'll have her back over when it gets cold enough to have to turn on the gas heater, too!
Dan is watching Big Brother Argentina right now. It is BIG here. I think it may be on every night & all of the players are scantily clad model types.
I would like to comment that my interest in the 'Gran Hermano' program isn’t, at least primarily, about the scantiliy clad model types. It is first of all academic, a study of language and culture. The show is clearly the flagship of channel 9, because it seems that all day it is either on, or someone is talking about it. Most of the time I don’t understand a damn word, but I hope eventually I’ll be able to break through the Buenos Aires accent and find the Spanish. In the meantime, there are the model types.
The fruits & veggies are much like what we have in Minn.--probably because it is what is being sent north in the winter.
In the photo, there are grapes picked from Luciano's neighbor's yard. These are small & sweet--astringent at the end. (we've also had other varieties of green & red) A nectarine (which they call a bald peach). 1/2 onion. A zucchini--it just looks peaked compared to the varieties that we are used to.
There is one thing that I am curious about it appears to be a huge squash (like beach ball size). It is off-white with big bumps all over it. It is deep orange inside. I think you can just have whatever amount you would like chopped off for you at the veggie stand. Maybe I should think soup w/ squash now that the weather is cooling off...
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