Originally we had grand plans for traveling throughout South America. The realities of work schedules and money have made that difficult. We get out of town once a month or so for at least some short excursion, but we have yet to leave Argentina. It turns out that Argentina is pretty damn big. We keep coming up with different plans for when we finish working at the end of November and we’ve changed plans hundreds of times. We’ve never written in the blog about future plans because we’ve never settled on any one. Right now I think we can finally say that we are going with scenario # 532. In this scenario, we take a couple of weeks in November and December to explore Patagonia, specifically the area near Bariloche. We found out that getting up to Bolilvia and Peru would be a little more work than we imagined. So, this is the year we see Argentina. We’ve been all around the northern half of the country. It’s time to see the south. We’re not going to make it to the Tierra del Fuego though. We don’t really have the warm clothing for that anyway. All in all we should count ourselves lucky for having been able to travel as much as we have. We’ve already done more traveling than many Mendocinos ever will in their lives.
The main reason we will only have 2 or 3 weeks after school ends here is that Louann is returning to the U. S. of A in mid-Decemeber. When we came down here we thought that she would wait until next Septemeber to go back to college. But we’ve had a lot of time to think and imagine 500 exit scenarios and realized that she could just start in January. Sure, getting all the paperwork and stuff together would have been easier from home, but where’s the challenge in that? So she’s flying out Dec. 18th.
So what the heck am I going to do? Not sure. I’m going to have to work on my own solo scenarios now. I don’t know if I know how to travel alone. I’m not even sure I know how to cook any more. I am expected to be back at work in Minnesota at the end of March, but I know the money won’t last that long. So I don’t know where I’ll go or when I’ll return. I’ll know better when the time comes and I can figure out what is still within my means. If you have ganas to come to South America, let me know where you want to meet in December, January or February and we’ll work something out. Seriously.